Quick Loads

Quick Loads allows you to define and add commonly used loads to your members. To Add, Edit, Delete, or sort a Quick Load, navigate to your Settings on the User dropdown and select the Quick Loads tab on the left. To start, you will have three loads provided for you: Floor, Roof, and Snow.  You may edit these items to match your local code requirements.

To Add a new Quick Load, click on the plus sign above the Quick Loads list. This will add a new item called User Quick Load. To the right, you can select the building class it can be used for, edit the name, and enter the load information. Loads can be designated as Uniform (PLF) or Uniform (PSF).  Any comments saved with your load will be displayed in the Comments field on the Load grid. Finally, select the member types where the Quick Load should be displayed.

To move a Quick Load, select it in the list and use the Up/ Down arrows to change its position in the list. When adding a Quick Load to a member, the Quick Loads will be displayed in the order they appear in the Settings.

To Delete a Quick Load, select the item in the list and click on the red at the top.

Clicking Save at the bottom of the dialog will save your changes and close.  Clicking Cancel will close the dialog without saving your changes.

Quick Loads are added to members on the Loads Tab. You will also be able to Save Quick Loads from the Loads tab. Any load you save will be shown in Settings and can be edited.


Determining Your Loading

To determine the loading required for your job, please reference:

  • IBC: Table 1607.1
  • NBCC: Division B, Table